1.When other players land on your property, they must pay rent. How much can you charge? Whatever you want. It's a monopoly.
2.Bo said, the mahogany furniture rental Yuan Henry, the only daily pay rent statistics, and maintenance of free rent period by businessmen.
3.If you pare down your possessions to what fits in your house, you won't have to pay rent on a second home for your stuff.
4.We didn't make a profit; at the end of each month we were able to pay rent, our vendors and our bills at work and at home, but that was it.
5.Most owners, or landlords, will require you to sign a contract agreeing to pay rent for a full year.
6.In his opinion, continuing to pay rent each month for his apartment is just pouring money down the drain.
7.His former commercial landlord, Mui Tang, 60, said she kicked him out last October because he did not pay rent.
8.The Lessee agrees to pay rent to the Lessor by or before the th day of every month.
9.The Lessee agrees to pay rent and all telephone bills to the Telephone organization from the day of the enforcement of this contract .
10.But dentists are also in business; they must pay rent and employee salaries, and they deserve fair fees, he said.